Something is better than nothing...

I've not done much designing this week. Only a little bit on the Derringer Pistol prop.
Cleaning up the engraved text on the top of the barrel.

I'm going to have to experiment with a quicker way of cleaning up the after effects of boolean modifiers in Blender. As this seems to take the most time.
I also realised a bit of a blunder. I still need to add an arrow pattern to the sides of the barrel. Of which a Mirror modifier would be very useful for this, that way I only need to clean up one side.
Unfortunately with the engraving now on top; I'm going to have to cut out one of the sides, work on it, then join it back on.
I'll try to remember to take snapshots to demonstrate what I mean.

The elbow protector I was working on last week has gone to the back of my mind for now. It'll need a good sit down with proper working out and sketching to properly get what I want. This is pretty much how my free-form non-commissioned work goes.
I do eventually finish a project ;)

One last thing to mention, I purchased a Sony a5000 camera on Saturday. This will replace my older basic Pentax.
So now I'll be able to take decent photos of any printed models, from Shapeways or ones I've printed myself.
I plan to get myself a Macro lens eventually.

Right, must dash. Because um...stuff. Bye :)

p.s. I also intend to do a blog entry every Sunday. That's the plan anyway.


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