Lake Embogue and smidgen of robotics...

Lake Embogue...

Last week saw the beginning of my latest Patreon creator project. With the work so far being the creation of the map of the region that Lake Embogue resides in.
I decided on the process of drawing it on one of my whiteboards, photographing it and then tracing it using vector-based drawing software.
I've already posted a sneak-peek on my Patreon page.

Once I've added names, symbols and a title-legend to it, I'll post it as part of the $1 reward tier. I'm thinking about creating a Lake Embogue themed reward image too. (The image I use in order indicate that the post contains a reward attachment)

From this map I'll start to flesh out an idea of what each of the buildings are and hopefully develop a wider grasp of the surrounding land around the town.
I'm going to also do a high-detail version, where each of the buildings are drawn aka 'satellite mode'. Hopefully I'll not get too distracted and actually finish it.

Muscle Fibre rig Mk3...

This weekend, I put everything else aside in order to work on my Muscle Fibre rig. (I was having a crisis of indecision for a few days due to having too many projects on the go, as usual)
The overall idea was to create a modular 'rail' system, which allows me to twist lengths of nylon to (pretty much) any extent that I want.
The key feature is the tension system that keeps the nylon taut whilst it's being twisted.
It's basically like a train carriage with a big gear in the middle, held in place by a elastic-band tensioned tooth, that's fixed to another (smaller) carriage; Which itself has one end of the nylon thread fixed to it.

I was hoping to do a test run today, but it's just been so hot and humid today. I don't mind heat, it's just humidity that gets to me. It was a struggle just to make sure I wrote this blog.

Anyway, there may be a structural weakness at the linking point of the two carriages. But I won't know for sure until it's tested. There's also the possibility that the tensioner system itself won't be adequate, as it does jump forward a bit too much when I pull it forward manually.

If the test/s work, it'll give me a chance to start doing measurements for how different lengths of twisted nylon behave; i.e. initial untwisted length versus twisted length and extension distance for the twisted nylon.
Following that will be experimenting with coiling nickel-chromium (heating wire) around the twisted nylon and seeing if it does actually contract as the scientific paper indicated. (Or prove that I've done it wrong :p ).

I'll have to start making rigs for the use of holding twisted nylon in place, as from previous tests, it uncoils itself when left alone.

Then, if all goes well, it'll be making working frames and playing around with electronics some more :)

Electric tea-lights...

I took a quick break from the Muscle fibre project to print out the cases for my electric tea-lights. I intend to solder together the gubbins for each during this week with making sure they're completed before next week, as I'm due to deliver them to my friend then.

That's all from me for now, I'm just going to go melt in a corner somewhere...although, I could go for a walk and buy an ice-cream...hmmmmm...


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