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Spaceships and putting stuff on Facebook...

For the last month or so I've been getting into designing spaceships for table-top gaming. Initially they were a demonstration of ability for a job interview that has since gone quite. Who knows, I might hear back. But in the mean time I need to put these model designs to use and hopefully earn some money. "Cauldron", "Protector" and "Executive" space freighters. The first three available are Freighter types. Mundane run-of-the-mill spaceships, the sort of thing you could have as destroy or protect objectives in a game. Maybe even have them a disguised pirates (The "Executive" would be a good one for that!) 3D prints of the space freighters. I've made a test print of each, mainly for fun, and added them to a base of cardboard and a piece of white PLA filament as a stand. All held together with blu-tack and PVA glue. Each model approximately 8cm in length and while I've initially guessed at a scale of 1:1000, I'm...

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