Spaceships and putting stuff on Facebook...

For the last month or so I've been getting into designing spaceships for table-top gaming.
Initially they were a demonstration of ability for a job interview that has since gone quite. Who knows, I might hear back. But in the mean time I need to put these model designs to use and hopefully earn some money.

"Cauldron", "Protector" and "Executive" space freighters.
The first three available are Freighter types. Mundane run-of-the-mill spaceships, the sort of thing you could have as destroy or protect objectives in a game. Maybe even have them a disguised pirates (The "Executive" would be a good one for that!)

3D prints of the space freighters.
I've made a test print of each, mainly for fun, and added them to a base of cardboard and a piece of white PLA filament as a stand. All held together with blu-tack and PVA glue.

Each model approximately 8cm in length and while I've initially guessed at a scale of 1:1000, I'm reckoning that I need make them larger. As they currently equate to 80 metres long, which isn't that long considering there are sea going yachts longer than that!

Initial rejected design of space freighter. 
There was a design of freighter I submitted first that didn't quite meet the required standards. I'll make it available on Shapeways if anyone requests it. There's only a few issues to fix before it passes the automated checks.
Although I'll most likely print it out for fun at some point. :)

I currently have two more designs of space freighters on the go, of which I have featured on my freshly created Facebook page...which I will elaborate on now....

Facebook page thing!!...

As a way of boosting interest in my Shapeways shop, I have created a Facebook page for Curio Inventorium.
I'll be using this page for more relevant updates for any designs I create. As I have found in the past, I find it easier to announce new designs on Facebook than in this blog. So when I do need to do the blog, I feel like I've told everyone already.
And until I've gotten back into doing some electronics/robotics stuff again, this blog will be a bit quieter.

So by all means, please click on the 'like' button and 'share' my new page. Thank you!! :)


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