Interim blog post

Sorry for not posting anything for nearly a month. It has been full steam ahead with studying, especially my maths module. Of which I managed to complete two assignments ahead of time.
Now to catch up with my science module :p

I've had a cough/cold type of thing this last week, which was about a short break of two weeks after a cold before that. This has contributed strongly to a complete lack of motivation for anything. Barring studying that is.

3D designing... (Warning shameless link to item on my Shapeways shop!)

Some good news is that one of my designs has been featured in the Shapeways Gift guide for this coming holiday season. No purchase hits on my shop yet though. But there's still time.

I also added a new design, with a pattern variant to shop my too.
Sorry for the massive link, I'm trying out the embed feature on this blog. I know it's cheeky to add things like this directly in a blog, but hey, holidays are my stuff :D

And I designed this Aquila logo'd twist canister, which is downloadable for free here on my MyMiniFactory profile. 
Gee, these website supplied embed's are rubbish.

Random photos again...

There's a tree stump in the field in front of my house that so far each year has had a load of fungi grow up around it. This year I managed to take a few photos before any local dogs and children destroyed them.

Mushroom Stump by SilentBeez on DeviantArt

Hmm, deviantArts embed feature doesn't seem too good. Here a good ol' fashioned link to it.

Table top gaming...

I played a game of Kings of War on Saturday with a friend of mine. It was a good chance to air my Warhammer undead army again. The rules used in KoW are a lot simpler and more fun to play. Here's a quick photo of the battle in progress. -->
As you can see, we've substituted a few units.
The battle was Elves versus Undead. In this photo is the grand melee between my undead dragon ridden by a vampire (centre left) against a tree herder (centre right). It was a stale-mate in the end, where my next turn saw me pull back some distance so that my catapults could soften up that tree-herder some more :)
Unfortunately we reached the turn limit and I couldn't.
The reason my undead dragon is in pieces, is because my last intentions before it was packed away (nearly 10 years ago) was to paint it. So black undercoat and blu-tac holding it together. Sort of.
Bottom left is a small troop of undead soldiers. Good for holding up enemys for a turn or two.

Right, off I go. Time for sleep.


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