Medieval fun and competition annoyances...

Pew pew
I was at Cardiff Castle in Wales, last week Thursday thru to over the weekend. Playing my part as a 14th century man in the yearly Joust event held there.
It was lots of fun, but quite tiring, as we where out in all-weathers.

This will be a bit of a shorter blog post than normal, as I have to do a bit of catching up with my studies. I kind've prioritised finishing the stone watchtower I mentioned last blog.

Google OnHub competition on MyMiniFactory...

Stone watchtower. For watching stone.
So it was for this competition that I was designing the stone watchtower for. Which I completed on Tuesday, or was it Wednesday. Anyway, I know I printed out most of it on Wednesday and took photos.
I had to print this at 60% scale as it would've taken far too long, nearly 4 hours per piece.
Of which there where four.

I've uploaded the design to MyMiniFactory and it is now awaiting approval. It doesn't help that I ticked the box stating that I wanted my name and link to the object placed on it somewhere. :p

But I was feeling a bit annoyed, for as when I was filling in the upload details, as I chose that moment to look at the competition page again.

Where, after scrolling all the way to the bottom (and in little letters), it states that only people in the USA and Canada are able to win the competition! :/
That's the sort of detail you put right at the top of the page in nice, friendly, big letters. I really feel like I've wasted my time.
Anyway, positive side, I enjoyed designing this model and it can also function as table-top gaming scenery. I also got the opportunity to try out 3d-a-fying stone work. It was something I've been wanting to do for a bit.

Quick muscle fibre update...

I couldn't resist giving it another twist...on the muscle fibre rig. And actually made a completed coiled fibre.
However, impatience got the better of me again and I snapped it while seeing how far the coiled fibre could stretch. I really want to try making these with the 0.5mm nylon, but amazon is stating that my order will only arrive on 8th July or something. That's the last time I order from a small seller on amazon where I don't double-check the delivery times.
Yay, coiled nylon.



Little bob.

Not Owls...

Bob and Bob. Or is that Bobette?


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